Equip web CCCB

(Català) “Barcelona-València-Palma”, en construcció

May 21st, 2010 Comments Closed

CCCB: Open to Internet

May 17th, 2010 3 Comments

Today, 17 May, we are celebrating Internet Day by opening the doors to all the activities of the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona that are possible thanks to the existence of the Internet and the millions of internauts who interact using it.

We’re inviting you into our home through the most visible face of the CCCB on the Net: its corporate website. Today, it invites you to immerse yourself in the CCCB’s online offer: blogs and websites where you can take part in the Centre’s cultural projects.

The CCCB’s blogs

Today marks the first appearance of VEUS CCCB, a blog where you can follow the Centre’s activity through the many voices of its workers and collaborators. VEUS CCCB is a diary of the CCCB where you can find out about and comment on what is concealed behind the walls of an exhibition or festival. Every week—that’s the plan!—we’ll be publishing recommendations, reviews, curiosities and anecdotes related to the everyday life of an arts centre.

CCCB LAB presents a revamped blog, a window on the transformations at the CCCB and institutions in general at a time of major cultural change. In the words of Juan Insua, director of CCCB LAB: “the blog is a handy place to find, discover and share the inner workings of a cultural laboratory and the challenges presented by R+D+i that aims to explore the mutation of genres and formats, and so on.”

Since 2008, the cycle I+C+i, Research and Innovation in the field of culture, has also kept a blog designed to move the debate that starts in presential sessions onto the Net. At http://www.cccb.org/icionline, you can research, hear the opinions of experts taking part in the cycle and give your opinion on themes such as 2.0 philosophy in the management of cultural institutions, multiplatforms, the future of files and virtual exhibitions.

Participatory Web Spaces

Is your city ugly? Internauts can decide on their “City of Horrors”, an interactive mural that will be created in the framework of the exhibition “Barcelona-Valencia-Palma”. At http://www.cccb.org/laciutatdelshorrors, send in photos of the most horrible places in these three cities and vote for your candidates for “The City of Horrors”.

Dictionary of the Unease of Culture – Another web initiative linked to a CCCB exhibition is “The Dictionary of the Unease of Culture”, a list of 113 words associated with the world of the exhibition “Atopia. Art and City in the 21st Century”. You can give a new meaning to words—defined by the exhibition’s curators—by adding text, video, photos or audio to each concept. Today, we suggest you play with the meaning of the word “Internet”!

A new way of reading the city: the Cerdà Year browser Could Ildefons Cerdà ever have imagined people “clicking” on the layout he drew 150 years ago and sharing their experiences of the city with the world? With their contributions to the Cerdà Year Browser, internauts have turned the layout of Barcelona’s streets into a living, interactive network with urban itineraries, unknown or invisible historic points, school projects and emotional journeys.

Kosmopolis BookCamp’s wiki

If you’re interested in the world of books and open debate on the theme of digitization, Kosmopolis has prepared a wiki so you can organize your own round table or work group at the BookCamp that’ll be taking place in October 2010.

@cececebe = #culture in #social networks

The CCCB is present in social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and Flickr. “MIRADES CCCB” was set up in tribute to the thousands of users who daily photograph the Pati de les Dones courtyard or the activities that take place at the Centre or in the Raval district. On Twitter, @cececebe @ICI_CCCB i @Kosmopolis_CCCB explain what’s going on every day in an effort to communicate with an ever more demanding Internet public that is increasingly following what cultural institutions are up to on the Net. There’s no stopping us now! Happy Internet Day!

(Català) Oda a la lletjor de Barcelona, València i Palma

May 10th, 2010 3 Comments


Shouts of protest in Iran, photo of the year 2009

February 15th, 2010 Comments Closed

A summer’s night in Tehran. A woman on a terraced roof is shouting. Italian reporter Pietro Masturzo photographed that moment a few days after the presidential elections in Iran, a reflection of citizen protest at the contested elections that saw Mahmoud Ahmadineyad re-instated as president. The photo was chosen by the jury of the prestigious World Press Photo award as the best photograph of 2009. According to the jury chair, Ayperi Karabuda, the photograph shows the beginning of a huge story that touches you visually and emotionally. “My heart went out to it immediately”, he explains in a press release.

World Press Photo of the Year 2009 - Pietro Masturzo, Italy - From the rooftops of Tehran, June

World Press Photo of the Year 2009 – Pietro Masturzo, Italy – From the rooftops of Tehran, June


What did the Fall of the Berlin Wall represent?

October 29th, 2009 Comments Closed

Contemporary thinkers give their views on walls old and new

The debate “1989. Europe, 20 Years after the Fall of the Wall” brings together at the CCCB writers, philosophers and journalists, people who have some kind of link with that historical event that transformed Europe. We ask them how the world changed after the night of 9 November 1989, and if dreams of a freer, less divided continent really came true. Twenty years on, we also want to know which other borders or dividing lines, visible or invisible, affect humankind with the same force as the Berlin Wall.

