Posts Tagged ‘twitter’

#MuseumWeek, learning and fun

April 2nd, 2014 No Comments

We must confess that when the proposal of forming part of #MuseumWeek was first put to us we weren’t 100% convinced. It was going to involve a lot of work up front and, above all, would mean covering the social networks to an extent far beyond the reach of our usual work. Nevertheless, we decided to join the initiative because we thought we owed it to our followers: for one week, we would be at their disposal to answer their questions, share their experiences, give them gifts and interact with them in a more personal way.

A week beforehand, we started gathering the information. We met with different departments: Communication, responsible for the campaign #CreativeAnimals (created to promote the 20-year anniversary of the CCCB), which was the subject of the third day; Exhibitions, which held all the secrets of the Metamorphosis exhibition, and the Centre for Documentation and Debate, whose people know everything there is to know about the CCCB. We toured every corner, from the Xcèntric film developing lab to the roof, from where we posted one of our tweets. We reviewed the old photographs archive and we conducted day-by-day monitoring of the exhibition on Starewitch, Švankmajer and the Quay Brothers, in order to document the process… As we explained in a previous post, we devoted the first two days of #MuseumWeek to the #ExpoMetamorfosis, while the three remaining days were devoted to the Centre itself, to the 20-year anniversary, to interesting facts and to history.

Among the following links you’ll find the summary in Storify format of each day of this experience. We have tried to gather a broad range of opinions and comments and thus reflect what have been five days of intense social interchanges. And the fact is that, for us, the #MuseumWeek experience has also been very enriching. It forced us to network between different departments in order to produce the contents. And it allowed us to discover forgotten facts about the Centre, such as its origins, and develop our creativity when considering the third day, dedicated, precisely, to #AnimalsCreatius (#CreativeAnimals).

However, above all, #MuseumWeek was a dialogue with our followers. Their comments and questions have given us a better grasp of their interest in our activities and their curiosity about the Centre itself. Between Monday 24 and Friday 28 March, over 90 people joined our group of followers on Twitter: the “noise” we made on the web has helped us, also, to make new friends. That was not our objective, of course, but it is nice to see how, day by day, our work attracts increasing numbers of people.

Storify #MuseumWeek Day 1: #Adayinthelife

Storify #MuseumWeek Day 2: #TestYourKnowledge

Storify #MuseumWeek Day 3: #MuseumMemories

Storify #MuseumWeek Day 4: #BehindTheArt

Storify #MuseumWeek Day 5: #DidYouKnow

What about you? What was your opinion of the #MuseumWeek experience?

Lucia Calvo and Eva Rexach have been behind the initiative #MuseumSelfie

18 September is #ASKACURATOR Day: You ask, the museums answer

September 12th, 2013 No Comments

The CCCB is getting involved in this international initiative together with other cultural institutions with a presence on Twitter

What does curating an exhibition involve? How is the Centre’s activities programme prepared? If you have a question for a department head, director, exhibition curator or any other CCCB staff member, then 18 September is the ideal day for asking it.

We’ve joined the initiative “Ask a Curator Day”: a worldwide event held on Twitter that encourages the public to put questions to the professional experts of cultural institutions worldwide.

Over 400 museums, galleries and centres from over 30 countries will be taking part in this event managed by @MarDixon; including, in Catalonia: the MNAC (@MNAC_museu), the Picasso Museum (@museupicasso), the Natural History Museum (@museuciencies), the Egyptian Museum (@Museu_Egipci), the Modern and Contemporary Art Museum of Lleida (@MuseuMorera), the Rural Life Museum in Espluga de Francolí (@MuseuVidaRural), the general information service @CatalanMuseums and ourselves (@cececebe).

If you want to join in, you can ask a general question with the hashtag #AskaCurator or alternatively satisfy your curiosity by directly addressing one of the participating centres: just use the Twitter username of the corresponding institution (@nameofcentre). Don’t forget to include #AskaCurator in your Tweet so that it forms part of the worldwide conversation.

Queries about exhibitions, audiences, history, challenges for the future, etc. The @cececebe will be on Twitter as every other day, but this time in a special way. On 18 September, we will be on call to answer all your questions on programming and other aspects of our activities that interest you. Depending on the subject, we will be putting your questions to the relevant department head, director, curator or staff member. See you on #Askacurator day!

Guide to following Kosmopolis live on Internet

March 11th, 2013 1 Comment

Because Kosmopolis is amplified literature and because we want the festival to reach you wherever you are, we’re streaming some of the talks and activities. We’ve also programmed online coverage of the festival on Twitter so you at home can follow us and take an active part in the conversation # Kosmopolis.

And, if you can’t follow Kosmopolis live, after the festival we’ll be publishing videos of the principal talks and interviews with participants on the festival’s website. A team of K chroniclers will be covering the activities theme by theme to convey the atmosphere and give us summaries of the highlights.

Live programming on the Kosmopolis web

You can follow Kosmopolis live here or amplify Kosmopolis embedding the streaming code in your blog or web.


7 p.m. – Opening of Kosmopolis with Jaume Cabré

8.30 p.m. – Bolaño on stage: dramatized reading and debate with Àlex Rigola, Pablo Ley


6 p.m. – Martian time slip: talk with Fernando Abilleira, Jacinto Antón, Lara Saiz

7 p.m – Roberto Bolaño: gestation of a myth – debate with Jaume Vallcorba, Jorge Herrralde, Pere Gimferrer, A.G. Porta and Juan Antonio Masoliver Ródenas

8 p.m. – Pages written on Jacob’s ladder: poetry reading in tribute to Roberto Bolaño with Olvido García Valdés, Chefa Alonso

8.30 p.m. – Talk by Dave McKean: the blue tree

#KOSMOPOLIS on Twitter

Once again, at @KosmopolisCCCB we explain the festival’s functioning, give information about times, and publicise the highlights and the public’s comments.

To follow us and take part in the Kosmopolis conversation with comments and questions for speakers, use these hashtags:

#K13 and #Kosmopolis – General information about all the activities at the festival

#BCK13 – Tweets about Kosmopolis BookCamp

#LiterDig – Tweets about the meeting of digital magazines being organized by Revista de Letras

The @cececebe and @CCCBlab accounts will provide further practical information about the festival.

Kosmopolis Web: news, videos and chronicles of the festival

We’ll be updating the festival website daily with the latest photos and news. This year, bloggers and experts in the various themes will be collaborating with Kosmopolis to cover activities. And, when Kosmopolis ends, we’ll give you the festival chronicles, with videos of interviews and talks.

The K13 chroniclers are:

Albert Forns, journalist and writer, covers Kosmopolis BookCamp.

Marta Palomo and Jesús Méndez, a biologist and a Medicine graduate, and authors on the popular science blog DixitCiencia, will be following all activities related to science and literature.

Breixo Harguindey, collection director at Rinoceronte Editora and comic expert, will be following the trail of Dave McKean and Paul Gravett.

The CCCB’s team will be following the rest of activities: Lucía Calvo chronicles the activities in tribute to Roberto Bolaño, and Alba Conesa, Clara Bofill, Maria Farràs and Eva Rexach will be managing the CCCB’s various Twitter accounts during the festival.

@CCCBmusica: The CCCB’s new voice on Twitter

February 13th, 2013 No Comments

Coinciding with the inauguration of the programme of concerts and musical activities for 2013 this coming Saturday, 16 February, with the Emergència! Festival, the CCCB is opening the Twitter account @CCCBmusica.

@CCCBmusica will report regularly on all the latest news related with the CCCB’s musical programme, with the aim of becoming a source for the dissemination of concerts, groups and festivals linked to the Centre. Managed by the CCCB’s cultural activities department team, with the collaboration of other cultural managers as Ingrid Guardiola, the new profile will pay special attention to the activities programmed for 2013: the Emergència! festival, the BCNmp7 concert season and festivals such as Hipnotik.

The profile @CCCBmusica will join other thematic profiles that the CCCB uses on Twitter to offer specialised contents and interact with specific online communities. The other existing profiles are @CCCBLab (on research and innovation in culture) @CCCBEducació (on the CCCB’s educational project), @Kosmopolis_CCCB (on literature), @PublicSpaceCCCB (on urban planning and public space) and @CCCBpremsa (aimed at journalists). All these accounts are managed by members of the CCCB team linked to the Centre’s activity.

«Paral·lel Avenue 1894-1939» Opinions on the Internet

December 4th, 2012 No Comments

Exposició "El Paral·lel – 1894-1939"

Selecció de comentaris, fotografies i vídeos publicats a Internet sobre l’exposició del CCCB

Storified by CCCB · Mon, Dec 03 2012 03:18:35

La expo del CCCB "El Paral·lel 1894-1939" está plagada de joyitas gráficas como ésta ;) Meseguer
#raquelmeller #cuple #paral.lel #cccb #barcelonaAlbert Violant
#cuple #paral.lel #cccb #barcelonaAlbert Violant
#opisso #paral.lel #cccb #barcelonaAlbert Violant
El Paral·lel, 1894-1939Barcelona i l’espectacle de la modernitat, CCCBluzgamiz
El Paral·lel, 1894-1939Barcelona i l’espectacle de la modernitat, CCCBluzgamiz
Lady Molino i Merche Mar visiten l’exposició "El Par | FacebookFacebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to ke…
Veient l’exposició del Paral.lel al @cececebe Couples, revistes i boudevilles. No pas tant lluny de el que passa ara … Val la pena!Marta Royo Espinet
Per a tots els que estimeu BARCELONA no us perdeu a CCCB El Paral·lel 1894-1935. Time Out Barcelona via @timeoutcatJosep Nieto
"El Paral·lel, 1894-1939" del @cececebe és fantàstica per a "jambus" com tu i com jo. Feu visita guiada! CUPletegeu. Garcia
EXPOSICIÓ // Reportatge // El Paral·lel, 1894-1939 Barcelona i l’espectacle de la modernitatCCCB
Absolutament imperdible l’exposició sobre el Paral.lel al @cececebe ! És obligatori!Jumon
Ens hagués agradat viure aquell Paral·lel d’oci i vici, de cuplets, plomes i il·lusionistes del primer terç del segle XX. Gràcies al CCCB, ens hi podem plantar.Ànima
Paral-lel CCCByad_reyes
EXPOSICIÓ // El Paral·lel, 1894-1939CCCB
ENTREVISTA // Xavier Albertí i Eduard Molner, comissaris de l’exposició "El Paral·lel, 1894-1939"CCCB
Rutes Paral·lelesRutes Paral·leles. Descobreix els secrets del Paral·lel de principis de segle XX
A expo Paral.lel 1894-1993 al @cccb recordant al tiu Duardo i les histories q explicava sobre aquest carrer. Parramon
"Albertí reivindica per al TNC el teatre popular oblidat del Paral·lel". El nou projecte per al TNC a @LaVanguardia
Una molt bona expo sobre el paral.lel.Àlex Rigola
Xavier Theros. El Paral.lel de Barcelona vía @El_Guaitapolipoètics
Una revaloració tardana del Paral.lel Febrés
El Paral·lel de principis de segleA Escena
“Anem al refugi 307 del Poble Sec”, recurs educatiu a @arc_cesire relacionable amb l’exposició del CCCB El Paral·lel Educació
A l’exposició sobre el Paral·lel al @cececebe hi falten cadires x veure les filmacions tranquil·lament. #culturaJosep Rodri
@Ana_Boadas:Recomano moltíssim l’expo"Paral·lel 1894-1939" al CCCB.Hi ha documents visuals molt xulos.”@ Prenc nota!Dídac Castignani
Us recomano molt aquesta expo que hi ha al CCCB #paral.lel #cccb #exposició @lluiscapdevila Hi ha cartells de la "Canço d’amor i de guerra" i fins i tot una caricatura del tio Lluís :) Elisenda Capdevila
Molt recomanable l’exposició Paral.lel Avenue @cccb. Il.lustració d’Opisso #Hipstamatic #Loftus #W40 Duat
No em cansaré de recomanar expo Paral.lel @cececebe Cultura popular en estat pur. Recuperació memòria impressionant. Felicitats comissarisTeresa Ferré
El Paral.lel al @cececebe, val la pena estar una bona estona i,fins i tot,repetir.Hi tornaré! Lopez
‘El Paral·lel 1894-1939. Barcelona i l’espectacle de la modernitat’. Una expo amb molt bona pinta al CCCB Palà
La Barcelona del Paral·lel al tombant del segle passat. ‘D’aquesta ciutat, no en sabíem res’
Magnífica exposició al CCCB de BCN @cececebe sobre "El Paral·lel 1894-1939". Pucurull
Si vens a l’exposició "El Paral·lel, 1894-1939"Facebook
El Paral.lel 1894/1939 #CCCB
El Blog de BCNinternet – El Paral.lel, 1894-1939 – the heyday of one of #Barcelona’s biggest avenues @cececebe #bcn
#recomendar exposición sobre el Paral.lel en el @cececebe la calle más popular, vanguardista, libertaria y canalla de BarcelonaOriol Llauradó
Interessantíssima exposició sobre el Paral·lel al @cececebe Una part de la història de BCN desconeguda i fascinant. #recomanoGema Moraleda
‘El Paral•lel’ al CCCB: Percentatge de carrer ocupat per sales d’espectacles i comparació amb l’actualitat #recomanoícia Álvarez
De la expo del CCCB sobre la efervescencia del Paral·lel de 1894 a 1939 se deduce que las prostitutas fueron las primeras modernas de BCN.M. Patricia
El Paral·lel, 1894-1939 – L’exposició del CCCB, quan Barcelona era capital de la modernitat vía @pinterestDigital Media Art C
L’exposició El Paral·lel 1894-1939 mostra peces del MAE, centre ple de recursos de teatre i educació @institutteatreCCCB Educació
Una exposición distribuida! Visita el paral.lel a partir de las rutas del @cccb Balestrini
Vaya sincronía la mía @cececebe Messa Freixas
Almost 200 pics of the #parallel exhibit at @cececebe already in @wikicommons #glamwikiÀlex Kippelboy
Feia anys que no veia una expo com aquesta, connectant amb la millor tradició del @cececebe i amb la Barcelona popular i canalla del 1900!Rirkrit Tiranavaja
Avui hem estat a la inauguració de l’exposició sobre el Paral·lel al @cececebe i ens ha fascinat. No us la perdeu! del Teatre
"Es bestial","No te l’acabes", "Fascina". Primeres impressions dels periodistes #ExposicioElParal•lel @cececebemar de prada
El museo a pie de calle, sí señor! Cómo me gustan las propuestas del @cececebe
Demà s’inaugura al CCCB l’exposició Paral.lel 1894-1939. Cal recuperar periòdicament la memòria d’aquella avinguda popular. @cececebejosep cunill