Posts Tagged ‘#ExpoMetamorfosis’

#MuseumWeek, learning and fun

April 2nd, 2014 No Comments

We must confess that when the proposal of forming part of #MuseumWeek was first put to us we weren’t 100% convinced. It was going to involve a lot of work up front and, above all, would mean covering the social networks to an extent far beyond the reach of our usual work. Nevertheless, we decided to join the initiative because we thought we owed it to our followers: for one week, we would be at their disposal to answer their questions, share their experiences, give them gifts and interact with them in a more personal way.

A week beforehand, we started gathering the information. We met with different departments: Communication, responsible for the campaign #CreativeAnimals (created to promote the 20-year anniversary of the CCCB), which was the subject of the third day; Exhibitions, which held all the secrets of the Metamorphosis exhibition, and the Centre for Documentation and Debate, whose people know everything there is to know about the CCCB. We toured every corner, from the Xcèntric film developing lab to the roof, from where we posted one of our tweets. We reviewed the old photographs archive and we conducted day-by-day monitoring of the exhibition on Starewitch, Švankmajer and the Quay Brothers, in order to document the process… As we explained in a previous post, we devoted the first two days of #MuseumWeek to the #ExpoMetamorfosis, while the three remaining days were devoted to the Centre itself, to the 20-year anniversary, to interesting facts and to history.

Among the following links you’ll find the summary in Storify format of each day of this experience. We have tried to gather a broad range of opinions and comments and thus reflect what have been five days of intense social interchanges. And the fact is that, for us, the #MuseumWeek experience has also been very enriching. It forced us to network between different departments in order to produce the contents. And it allowed us to discover forgotten facts about the Centre, such as its origins, and develop our creativity when considering the third day, dedicated, precisely, to #AnimalsCreatius (#CreativeAnimals).

However, above all, #MuseumWeek was a dialogue with our followers. Their comments and questions have given us a better grasp of their interest in our activities and their curiosity about the Centre itself. Between Monday 24 and Friday 28 March, over 90 people joined our group of followers on Twitter: the “noise” we made on the web has helped us, also, to make new friends. That was not our objective, of course, but it is nice to see how, day by day, our work attracts increasing numbers of people.

Storify #MuseumWeek Day 1: #Adayinthelife

Storify #MuseumWeek Day 2: #TestYourKnowledge

Storify #MuseumWeek Day 3: #MuseumMemories

Storify #MuseumWeek Day 4: #BehindTheArt

Storify #MuseumWeek Day 5: #DidYouKnow

What about you? What was your opinion of the #MuseumWeek experience?

Lucia Calvo and Eva Rexach have been behind the initiative #MuseumSelfie