11 September 1931 portrayed by Josep Brangulí and the camp in Plaça Catalunya in 2011, photographed by Marcello Vicidomini.
The aim of the participatory project “Brangulí was here. What about you?” is to find out how present-day photographers see the themes that Brangulí photographed.
Josep Brangulí’s camera focused on the social, political and industrial changes of a specific era, the early 20th century in Barcelona. The 300 photographs and the original printed matter that form part of the exhibition «Brangulí: Barcelona, 1909-1945» document ways of life, forms of political protest, recreation and work of the Barcelona residents of the time.
But what about the Barcelona of today? How do present-day photographers see life in a city that is also going through a change of century? The participatory action “Brangulí was here. What about you?” aims to find answers to these questions. This is a participatory photographic project aimed at professionals and amateurs organized on the website www.brangulivaseraqui.com and leading up to an exhibition at the CCCB to present the best images of contemporary Barcelona that take Brangulí as their inspiration.
The work of Brangulí will serve as the departure point for photographers taking part in this initiative. The participants can submit images taken since the year 2000 that correspond to the themes chosen by Brangulí presented in the exhibition: Barcelona by night, political and social events, industrial spaces, work places, emblematic social and commercial premises, museums, beaches, urban remodelling, transport and street life.
We want you to portray present-day Barcelona with your photographs. Grab your camera and capture the city: what’s happening in the street, industrial districts, the new Barcelona born of urban remodelling, today’s night life, new means of transport or emblematic social or business premises.
Everyone who wants to take partmust have a Flickr account and join the group “Brangulí was here”. Once they’ve been viewed by the curators, the images will be posted on the brangulivaseraqui.com website. Under the heading ‘How to take part?’ you’ll find details about how to upload your photos.
A team of curators will select the ten best photographs, one for each category, which will be shown at the CCCB from 20 September to 23 October 2011. The ten best submissions to “Brangulí was here. What about you?” will be printed in a special format, and the rest of the photographs submitted will be screened during the exhibition.
