Lucia Calvo

Treballo a l'equip web del Centre de Cultura Contemporània. Sóc periodista, escric notícies, faig vídeos i diàriament sóc darrere d'algunes de les identitats virtuals del CCCB a Internet. També treballo amb projectes web participatius del Centre, com aquest blog! Em trobareu al mig de moltes converses, una de les meves preferides, la de Twitter (@losilux)

(Català) Una passeig per l’espai públic urbà

June 11th, 2010 No Comments

«Museums are too concerned with being politically correct»

January 21st, 2010 Comments Closed

Orhan Pamuk opens the cycle of debates «Thinking the Future» with a talk on the pleasure of reading and looking at art

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«Just as museums conserve objects, novels preserve the pleasures, smells and colours of language.» These words were spoken by Orhan Pamuk during the opening talk of the cycle “Thinking the Future”, held at the CCCB. The Nobel laureate spoke to a packed auditorium about the links between the art of telling stories and the art of collecting objects for exhibition in a museum. For Pamuk, novelistic and expository accounts go hand in hand, and share a single end: to stimulate the imagination and sentiments of receptors, be they readers of novels or visitors to a museum.


Copenhaguen: are there reasons for optimism?

December 13th, 2009 Comments Closed

Experts in environmental issues give their opinion on the upcoming climate conference.

Dec 7th through 18th the United Nations Climate Change Conference will take place in Copenhaguen, a new attempt by developed countries to reach an agreement on the ways and means to curve down the current ecological crisis. For the first time, the USA will be attending this conference, along with representatives from 192 countries.

The last edition of NOW. Meetings in the Present Continuous welcomed relevant specialists on environmental issues, activists and politicians that have long been warning governments on the devastating consequences of poorly planned energy policies. We have asked them what are their perspectives for the upcoming conference and if there are still reasons for optimism.


(Català) Viatge a l'ànima de l’exposició

November 27th, 2009 Comments Closed


(Català) Un altra vida és possible… en alta mar

November 27th, 2009 1 Comment

