Posts Tagged ‘Amics CCCB’
Music is back!
February 13th, 2013 Equip Activitats Culturals 1 CommentThe CCCB’s music programme for 2013 kicks off with the Emergència! festival
This Saturday, 16 February, with the Emergència! independent music festival, the CCCB inaugurates the programme of concerts and musical activities for 2013. Tashaki Miyaki, VIVA, Pájaro, Tiger Menja Zebra, Diego Hdez, Ocellot and Villarroel will perform at the fifth edition of Emergència!, an initiative from the CCCB and Sergio Silva (Analogic Té) that backs local and international performers and groups that are far removed from the more commercial circuits. Keep an eye on the @CCCBmusica and @cececebe accounts where we will inform you on the order of appearance of the groups performing.
BCNmp7 Music in Process
Following Emergència!, Friday 8 March will see the arrival of “BCNmp7 Music in Process”, a season that, since 2006 and through open format sessions (screenings, concerts and talks), has reflected on the musical specificity of Barcelona and changes in contemporary musical creation. Coordinated by Ingrid Guardiola, this year’s BCNmp7 is placing the emphasis on live music performances while distancing itself from the classical repertoire concerts and also from the festival format, in an attempt to make the live performance a unique occasion, both for the audience and the guest artists alike.
The five sessions programmed in 2013 are:
- Friday 8 March: Movers and Shakers, programmed by A Viva Veu, with the participation of Carles Novellas, Isaac Marcet and performances by Awesome Tapes from Africa and Andy Votel.
- Friday 5 April: Analogical Music, programmed by A Viva Veu, with performances by Zombie Zombie, Akron and Diego García.
- Friday 28 June: The Avant-Garde of Progressive Rock on the Peninsula in the ‘70s, programmed by Àlex Gómez-Font, with the participation of Karles Torra and the performances of Emili Baleriola and Jordi Batiste plus Toti Soler and Arnau Figueres.
- Friday 11 October: Clubs Culture, programmed by A Viva Veu
- Friday 5 December: MinimAcció, programmed by Llúis Nacenta with performances by Esperimental Funktion and Roger Goula.
Individual entry to each of the BCNmp7 sessions or to the Emergència! festival costs 7 euros (see discounts on our website), but if you are regulars at the CCCB’s musical activities, you may be interested in the new FRIENDS OF THE CCCB MUSIC card, which for 20 euros, gives you free entry to all these activities in the year 2013, as well as special discounts for musical activities during the year such as the Hipnotik hip-hop festival.
To celebrate the launch of the FRIENDS OF THE CCCB MUSIC card, on 16 February from 6 p.m. to 6.30 p.m., when the doors of the Emergència! festival open, we invite you to have a beer (courtesy of San Miguel) and you will be able to participate in a prize draw to win one of 10 Friends of the CCCB Music cards.