Archive for February, 2010

Shouts of protest in Iran, photo of the year 2009

February 15th, 2010 Comments Closed

A summer’s night in Tehran. A woman on a terraced roof is shouting. Italian reporter Pietro Masturzo photographed that moment a few days after the presidential elections in Iran, a reflection of citizen protest at the contested elections that saw Mahmoud Ahmadineyad re-instated as president. The photo was chosen by the jury of the prestigious World Press Photo award as the best photograph of 2009. According to the jury chair, Ayperi Karabuda, the photograph shows the beginning of a huge story that touches you visually and emotionally. “My heart went out to it immediately”, he explains in a press release.

World Press Photo of the Year 2009 - Pietro Masturzo, Italy - From the rooftops of Tehran, June

World Press Photo of the Year 2009 – Pietro Masturzo, Italy – From the rooftops of Tehran, June