“Even though the screen has over a century of history, during the 20th century it has constantly grown in terms of importance, prestige and power, moving from cinema to television and now from television to the web” Gilles Lipovetsky, co-curator of the Global Screen exhibition.
At work, on the underground, at home, at the doctor’s surgery, at the airport, at the shopping centre, in the street… We live surrounded by screens, images and cameras that record our activity. The audiovisual language has become one of our main forms of communication. The CCCB’s “Global Screen” exhibition is a reflection on how we see and how we understand the world through screens. The exhibition’s curators, Gilles Lipovetsky and Jean Serroy, understand that to create this exhibition it is essential to include the vision of screen users: anyone who is interested can participate by sending a video of their own creation which reflects upon the power of the screen.
How to participate
Global Screen is an exhibition that has existed on the Internet since 1 October 2011 through the virtual platform pantallaglobal.cccb.org, from where participation in the project is coordinated and the exhibition’s work in progress is explained.
If you are interested in forming part of the Global Screen project:
1. CREATE A VIDEO of less than 2 minutes’ duration that reflects on one of the seven screens/themes proposed by the curators:
- HISTORY SCREEN: Is there any present possible without casting a glance at the past?
- POLITICS SCREEN: Have you ever wondered about the relations that exist between media screens and the exercising of politics?
- SPORTS SCREEN: What vision of sport are we creating through the numerous screens?
- ADVERTISING SCREEN: Are you a fan of advertising, brands, fashion, and trends? Or does it all irritate and repel you?
- EXCESS SCREEN: Are you into speed, excess, a life free of limits and want to express it?
- SURVEILLANCE SCREEN: Are you scared of Big Brother, or to the contrary, do you like to spy, observe and keep watch?
- GAME SCREEN: What kind of pleasure do you find in old and new screens?
2. PUBLISH THE VIDEO on the virtual platform of Global Screen.
3. EXHIBIT AT THE CCCB – All those videos published on the Global Screen virtual platform will be exhibited at the physical “Global Screen” exhibition in January 2012 at the CCCB.
If you are interested in collaborating directly with the project, you can personally contact the Global Screen team.